Klin Onkol 2025; 38(1): 6-15.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko20256.
Keywords: exercise – smoking – cold – propranolol – psychotherapy – stress – sympathoadrenal system – heart rate variability
Authors: Mravec Boris2025-02-15:A supportive programme for cancer patients based on knowledge of the neurobiology of cancer
Keywords: exercise – smoking – cold – propranolol – psychotherapy – stress – sympathoadrenal system – heart rate variability
Authors: Mravec Boris2025-02-15:A supportive programme for cancer patients based on knowledge of the neurobiology of cancer
Klin Onkol 2025; 38(1): 16-24.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko202516.
Keywords: colorectal carcinoma – epidemiology – risk factors – TNM classification – protooncogenes –inflammation – nutrition
Authors: Hančinová Miriam, Ondruš Dalibor, Ondrušová Martina, Mriňáková Bela2025-02-15:Colorectal carcinoma – epidemiology, risk factors, prognostic biomarkers
Keywords: colorectal carcinoma – epidemiology – risk factors – TNM classification – protooncogenes –inflammation – nutrition
Authors: Hančinová Miriam, Ondruš Dalibor, Ondrušová Martina, Mriňáková Bela2025-02-15:Colorectal carcinoma – epidemiology, risk factors, prognostic biomarkers
Klin Onkol 2025; 38(1): 25-31.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko202525.
Keywords: quality of life – radiotherapy – oncology
Authors: Procházková Kateřina, Kazda Tomáš, Šlampa Pavel, Selingerová Iveta2025-02-15:Quality of life assessment in radiotherapy
Keywords: quality of life – radiotherapy – oncology
Authors: Procházková Kateřina, Kazda Tomáš, Šlampa Pavel, Selingerová Iveta2025-02-15:Quality of life assessment in radiotherapy
Klin Onkol 2025; 38(1): 32-37.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko202532.
Keywords: colorectal cancer – minimal residual disease – circulating tumor DNA – prognosis – surveillance
Authors: Tolmáči Benjamín, Řehulková Alona, Žuffa Peter, Klein Jiří2025-02-15:Importance of circulating tumor DNA in colorectal cancer
Keywords: colorectal cancer – minimal residual disease – circulating tumor DNA – prognosis – surveillance
Authors: Tolmáči Benjamín, Řehulková Alona, Žuffa Peter, Klein Jiří2025-02-15:Importance of circulating tumor DNA in colorectal cancer
The metabolomic profile features of some biological fluids in serous ovarian adenocarcinoma patients
Klin Onkol 2025; 38(1): 38-44.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko202538.
Keywords: serózní ovariální adenokarcinom – metabolomický profil – krevní plazma – moč – ultra vysokoúčinná kapalinová chromatografie a hmotnostní spektrometrie
Authors: Kutilin Denis Sergeevich, Filipippov Fedor Evgenevich , Guskova Olga Nikolaevna, Alliluev Ilya Aleksandrovich, Enin Yaroslav Sergeevich, Maksimov Alexey Yurevich2025-02-15:The metabolomic profile features of some biological fluids in serous ovarian adenocarcinoma patients
Keywords: serózní ovariální adenokarcinom – metabolomický profil – krevní plazma – moč – ultra vysokoúčinná kapalinová chromatografie a hmotnostní spektrometrie
Authors: Kutilin Denis Sergeevich, Filipippov Fedor Evgenevich , Guskova Olga Nikolaevna, Alliluev Ilya Aleksandrovich, Enin Yaroslav Sergeevich, Maksimov Alexey Yurevich2025-02-15:The metabolomic profile features of some biological fluids in serous ovarian adenocarcinoma patients
Klin Onkol 2025; 38(1): 45-51.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko202545.
Keywords: multiple myeloma – extramedullary disease – unfolded protein response – plasma cells
Authors: Dostálová Adéla, Vlachová Monika, Růžičková Tereza, Vaňhara Petr, Štork Martin, Ševčíková Sabina2025-02-15:Different expression of genes involved in unfolded protein response in multiple myeloma and extramedullary disease patients
Keywords: multiple myeloma – extramedullary disease – unfolded protein response – plasma cells
Authors: Dostálová Adéla, Vlachová Monika, Růžičková Tereza, Vaňhara Petr, Štork Martin, Ševčíková Sabina2025-02-15:Different expression of genes involved in unfolded protein response in multiple myeloma and extramedullary disease patients
Klin Onkol 2025; 38(1): 52-54.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko202552.
Keywords: image-guided radiotherapy – choroidal tumor – retinal neoplasms – intensity-modulated radiation therapy
Authors: Hama Yukihiro, Tate Etsuko2025-02-15:Real-time MRI-guided radiation therapy for choroidal metastases after hippocampal avoiding whole brain radiotherapy
Keywords: image-guided radiotherapy – choroidal tumor – retinal neoplasms – intensity-modulated radiation therapy
Authors: Hama Yukihiro, Tate Etsuko2025-02-15:Real-time MRI-guided radiation therapy for choroidal metastases after hippocampal avoiding whole brain radiotherapy
Klin Onkol 2025; 38(1): 55-57.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko202555.
Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma – balloon occluded chemoembolization – balloon occluded thermal ablation – case report
Authors: Chlorogiannis David-Dimitris, Spiliopoulos Stavros, Grigoriadis Stavros, Lucatelli Pierleone, Filippiadis Dimitrios K2025-02-15:Percutaneous thermal segmentectomy using balloon-occluded microwave ablation followed by balloon-occluded transarterial chemoembolization
Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma – balloon occluded chemoembolization – balloon occluded thermal ablation – case report
Authors: Chlorogiannis David-Dimitris, Spiliopoulos Stavros, Grigoriadis Stavros, Lucatelli Pierleone, Filippiadis Dimitrios K2025-02-15:Percutaneous thermal segmentectomy using balloon-occluded microwave ablation followed by balloon-occluded transarterial chemoembolization
Klin Onkol 2025; 38(1): 58-62.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko202558.
Keywords: HER2 positivity – breast cancer – palliative biotherapy – highly pretreated patient
Authors: Špaček Jan2025-02-15:New treatment options for generalized HER2-positive breast cancer in higher-line systemic palliative therapy
Keywords: HER2 positivity – breast cancer – palliative biotherapy – highly pretreated patient
Authors: Špaček Jan2025-02-15:New treatment options for generalized HER2-positive breast cancer in higher-line systemic palliative therapy
Klin Onkol 2024; 37(6): 408-418.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko2024408.
Keywords: pulmonary nodule – CT – pulmonary nodule management – dispensary – lung cancer
Authors: Červeňák Vladimír, Chovanec Zdeněk, Berková Alena, Resler Jan, Hanslík Tomáš, Kelblová Martina, Novosádová Klára, Weiss Viktor, Bílek Ondřej, Vaníček Jiří2024-12-15:Diagnostic-therapeutic management of pulmonary nodules
Keywords: pulmonary nodule – CT – pulmonary nodule management – dispensary – lung cancer
Authors: Červeňák Vladimír, Chovanec Zdeněk, Berková Alena, Resler Jan, Hanslík Tomáš, Kelblová Martina, Novosádová Klára, Weiss Viktor, Bílek Ondřej, Vaníček Jiří2024-12-15:Diagnostic-therapeutic management of pulmonary nodules
Klin Onkol 2024; 37(6): 420-426.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko2024420.
Keywords: chronic pancreatitis – autoimmune pancreatitis – IgG4 related diseases – pancreatic cancer
Authors: Solil David, Dítě Petr, Kianička Bohuslav, Bojková Martina, Uvírová Magdalena, Přecechtělová Marie, Dolina Jiří2024-12-15:Autoimmune pancreatitis as a risk factor of pancreatic cancer
Keywords: chronic pancreatitis – autoimmune pancreatitis – IgG4 related diseases – pancreatic cancer
Authors: Solil David, Dítě Petr, Kianička Bohuslav, Bojková Martina, Uvírová Magdalena, Přecechtělová Marie, Dolina Jiří2024-12-15:Autoimmune pancreatitis as a risk factor of pancreatic cancer
Klin Onkol 2024; 37(6): 427-432.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko2024427.
Keywords: Waldenström macroglobulinemia – obinutuzumab – bendamustine
Authors: Adam Zdeněk, Pour Luděk, Krejčí Marta, Sandecká Viera, Štork Martin, Boichuk Ivanna, Král Zdeněk2024-12-15:The treatment combination of obinutuzumab, bendamustine and dexamethasone achieved a deeper response than the previous line of treatment in five patients with Waldenström‘s macroglobulinemia
Keywords: Waldenström macroglobulinemia – obinutuzumab – bendamustine
Authors: Adam Zdeněk, Pour Luděk, Krejčí Marta, Sandecká Viera, Štork Martin, Boichuk Ivanna, Král Zdeněk2024-12-15:The treatment combination of obinutuzumab, bendamustine and dexamethasone achieved a deeper response than the previous line of treatment in five patients with Waldenström‘s macroglobulinemia
Klin Onkol 2024; 37(6): 433-444.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko2024433.
Keywords: lung cancer – real-world evidence – patient registry
Authors: Bílek Ondřej, Selingerová Iveta, Kysela Michal, Jedlička Václav, Kazda Tomáš, Berkovcová Jitka, Turčáni Pavel, Poprach Alexandr, Kiss Igor, Svoboda Marek, Zdražilová Dubská Lenka2024-12-15:Current real-world evidence on characteristics and treatment patterns of lung cancer in the single cancer center in the Czech Republic – data from Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute registry in 2018–2022
Keywords: lung cancer – real-world evidence – patient registry
Authors: Bílek Ondřej, Selingerová Iveta, Kysela Michal, Jedlička Václav, Kazda Tomáš, Berkovcová Jitka, Turčáni Pavel, Poprach Alexandr, Kiss Igor, Svoboda Marek, Zdražilová Dubská Lenka2024-12-15:Current real-world evidence on characteristics and treatment patterns of lung cancer in the single cancer center in the Czech Republic – data from Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute registry in 2018–2022
Klin Onkol 2024; 37(6): 445-450.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko2024445.
Keywords: chemotherapy – second line – melanoma – immunotherapy – targeted therapy – dacarbazine
Authors: Šulc David2024-12-15:Chemotherapy as an optimal treatment option after failure of immunotherapy and targeted therapy in advanced and metastatic melanoma
Keywords: chemotherapy – second line – melanoma – immunotherapy – targeted therapy – dacarbazine
Authors: Šulc David2024-12-15:Chemotherapy as an optimal treatment option after failure of immunotherapy and targeted therapy in advanced and metastatic melanoma
Klin Onkol 2024; 37(6): 451-462.
DOI: 10.48095/ccko2024451.
Keywords: Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia – bortezomib – ixazomib
Authors: Adam Zdeněk, Krejčí Marta, Pour Luděk, Weinbergerová Barbora, Sandecká Viera, Štork Martin, Boichuk Ivanna, Řehák Zdeněk, Keřkovský Miloš, Koukalová Renata, Zdražilová Dubská Lenka, Čechová Barbora, Král Zdeněk2024-12-15:Successful treatment of relapsed Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia with proteasome inhibitors (bortezomib and subsequently ixazomib) in combination with rituximab and dexamethasone. A case report and review of the of proteasome inhibitors in Waldenströ
Keywords: Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia – bortezomib – ixazomib
Authors: Adam Zdeněk, Krejčí Marta, Pour Luděk, Weinbergerová Barbora, Sandecká Viera, Štork Martin, Boichuk Ivanna, Řehák Zdeněk, Keřkovský Miloš, Koukalová Renata, Zdražilová Dubská Lenka, Čechová Barbora, Král Zdeněk2024-12-15:Successful treatment of relapsed Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia with proteasome inhibitors (bortezomib and subsequently ixazomib) in combination with rituximab and dexamethasone. A case report and review of the of proteasome inhibitors in Waldenströ