Introductory word
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 1.
Authors: Mirossay Ladislav, Mojžiš Ján2000-12-30:The future of chemotherapy in cancer with regard to cell culture drog resistance testing.
Authors: Mirossay Ladislav, Mojžiš Ján2000-12-30:The future of chemotherapy in cancer with regard to cell culture drog resistance testing.
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 2-3.
Keywords: chemoresistance, predictive oncology, multidrug resistance
Authors: Taláč R., Žaloudík Jan, Hajdúch Marián, Mihál Vladimír, Chumchalová Jitka, Hanke Ivo, Kovařík Jan2000-12-30:Evaluation of drug resistance in vitro and its clinical implications
Keywords: chemoresistance, predictive oncology, multidrug resistance
Authors: Taláč R., Žaloudík Jan, Hajdúch Marián, Mihál Vladimír, Chumchalová Jitka, Hanke Ivo, Kovařík Jan2000-12-30:Evaluation of drug resistance in vitro and its clinical implications
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 4-9.
Keywords: multidrug resistance, P-glycoprotein, ABC-transport proteins, chemosensitors, mdr1 gene, chemotherapy
Authors: Noskova V., Hajdúch Marián, Mihál Vladimír, Cwiertka Karel2000-12-30:Mechanisms of multidrug resistance and their clinical implications I. :Typical MDR
Keywords: multidrug resistance, P-glycoprotein, ABC-transport proteins, chemosensitors, mdr1 gene, chemotherapy
Authors: Noskova V., Hajdúch Marián, Mihál Vladimír, Cwiertka Karel2000-12-30:Mechanisms of multidrug resistance and their clinical implications I. :Typical MDR
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 10-17.
Keywords: multidrug resistance, atypical multidrug resistance, multidrug resistance protein, lung resistance protein, glutathion-S-transferase, glutathion, ABC-transport proteins, chemotherapy
Authors: Noskova V., Hajdúch Marián, Mihál Vladimír, Cwiertka Karel2000-12-30:Mechanisms of multidrug resistance and their clinical implications II. Atypical MDR
Keywords: multidrug resistance, atypical multidrug resistance, multidrug resistance protein, lung resistance protein, glutathion-S-transferase, glutathion, ABC-transport proteins, chemotherapy
Authors: Noskova V., Hajdúch Marián, Mihál Vladimír, Cwiertka Karel2000-12-30:Mechanisms of multidrug resistance and their clinical implications II. Atypical MDR
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 18-21.
Keywords: Chemoresistance/chemosensitivity assays in vitro, clonogenic assay, MTT, histocultures
Authors: Chumchalová Jitka, Kovařík Jan2000-12-30:Methods for the evaluation of human tumor drug resistance in vitro
Keywords: Chemoresistance/chemosensitivity assays in vitro, clonogenic assay, MTT, histocultures
Authors: Chumchalová Jitka, Kovařík Jan2000-12-30:Methods for the evaluation of human tumor drug resistance in vitro
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 22-29.
Keywords: tumor drug resistance, MTT test, dose response curves, statistical analysis, median effect equation
Authors: Dušek Ladislav, Koptíková Jana, Hajdúch Marián, Noskova V., Ludkova A., Kašpárek I., Zlamalikova V.2000-12-30:Contribution of biostatistics to the standardized evaluation of tumor drug resistance tests
Keywords: tumor drug resistance, MTT test, dose response curves, statistical analysis, median effect equation
Authors: Dušek Ladislav, Koptíková Jana, Hajdúch Marián, Noskova V., Ludkova A., Kašpárek I., Zlamalikova V.2000-12-30:Contribution of biostatistics to the standardized evaluation of tumor drug resistance tests
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 30-32.
Keywords: tumor drug resistance, dose response curves, analytical software, data management
Authors: Regner B., Dušek Ladislav, Hajdúch Marián2000-12-30:Software CHEMORESIST version 1.0 – A complex tool for data analysis and management of tumou drug resistance testing
Keywords: tumor drug resistance, dose response curves, analytical software, data management
Authors: Regner B., Dušek Ladislav, Hajdúch Marián2000-12-30:Software CHEMORESIST version 1.0 – A complex tool for data analysis and management of tumou drug resistance testing
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 33-36.
Keywords: MTT-assay, chemosensitivity, chemoresistance, multidrug resistance, solid tumors
Authors: Ludkova A., Hajdúch Marián, Noskova V., Žaloudík Jan, Král Vladimír, Klein Jiří, Stehlík Daniel, Feketová G., Trojanec Radek, Gojová L., Džubák Petr, Kašpárek I., Bražinová S., Mihál Vladimír, Cwiertka Karel, Kolek Vítězslav, Šafářová M., Janošťáková Anna, Pilka Radovan, Kouzmina G.2000-12-30:Mean values of in vitro chemosensitivites in tumours of different histogenetic origin to individual anti-cancer drug
Keywords: MTT-assay, chemosensitivity, chemoresistance, multidrug resistance, solid tumors
Authors: Ludkova A., Hajdúch Marián, Noskova V., Žaloudík Jan, Král Vladimír, Klein Jiří, Stehlík Daniel, Feketová G., Trojanec Radek, Gojová L., Džubák Petr, Kašpárek I., Bražinová S., Mihál Vladimír, Cwiertka Karel, Kolek Vítězslav, Šafářová M., Janošťáková Anna, Pilka Radovan, Kouzmina G.2000-12-30:Mean values of in vitro chemosensitivites in tumours of different histogenetic origin to individual anti-cancer drug
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 37-38.
Keywords: tumor chemoresistance, MTT test, lung cancer, colorectal carcinoma, soft tissue sarcoma
Authors: Žaloudík Jan, Hajdúch Marián, Vyzula Rostislav, Kiss Igor, Coufal Oldřich, Kocáková Ilona, Noskova V., Vorel M., Feketová M., Kouzmina G., Vomela Jindřich, Janíček Pavel2000-12-30:Results of the MTT chemoresistance testing in carcinomas of lung, colon and rectum and soft tissue sarcomas
Keywords: tumor chemoresistance, MTT test, lung cancer, colorectal carcinoma, soft tissue sarcoma
Authors: Žaloudík Jan, Hajdúch Marián, Vyzula Rostislav, Kiss Igor, Coufal Oldřich, Kocáková Ilona, Noskova V., Vorel M., Feketová M., Kouzmina G., Vomela Jindřich, Janíček Pavel2000-12-30:Results of the MTT chemoresistance testing in carcinomas of lung, colon and rectum and soft tissue sarcomas
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 39-42.
Keywords: in vitro drug resistance, MTT assay, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia
Authors: Mihál Vladimír, Hajdúch Marián, Janošťáková Anna, Šafářová M., Noskova V., Pospíšilová Dagmar, Novák Zdeněk2000-12-30:Application of in vitro of drug resistance assays in treatment of childhood leukemia
Keywords: in vitro drug resistance, MTT assay, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia
Authors: Mihál Vladimír, Hajdúch Marián, Janošťáková Anna, Šafářová M., Noskova V., Pospíšilová Dagmar, Novák Zdeněk2000-12-30:Application of in vitro of drug resistance assays in treatment of childhood leukemia
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 43-48.
Keywords: malignant effusions, MTT test of chemoresistance in vitro
Authors: Krásná Luboslava, Matoušková Eva, Janoušek Miloslav, Dudorkinová D., Petruželka Luboš2000-12-30:Use of malignant effusion for guidance in the treatment of advanced cancer
Keywords: malignant effusions, MTT test of chemoresistance in vitro
Authors: Krásná Luboslava, Matoušková Eva, Janoušek Miloslav, Dudorkinová D., Petruželka Luboš2000-12-30:Use of malignant effusion for guidance in the treatment of advanced cancer
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 49-54.
Keywords: Chemosensitivity in vitro, malignant cell lines, malignant melanoma
Authors: Chumchalová Jitka, Dušek Ladislav, Kovařík Jan2000-12-30:Chemosensitivity of malignant cell lines and primary human malignant melanoma cultures to anticancer drugs
Keywords: Chemosensitivity in vitro, malignant cell lines, malignant melanoma
Authors: Chumchalová Jitka, Dušek Ladislav, Kovařík Jan2000-12-30:Chemosensitivity of malignant cell lines and primary human malignant melanoma cultures to anticancer drugs
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 55-57.
Keywords: non-small cell lung carcinoma, multidrug resitance, apoptosis, cell cycle, therapy
Authors: Škarda Jozef, Hajdúch Marián, Bouchal Jan, Noskova V., Ludkova A., Džubák Petr, Tichý Tomáš, Klein Jiří, Kolek Vítězslav, Kolář Zdeněk, Král Vladimír, Mihál Vladimír2000-12-30:Relation between expression of drug resistance associated proteins and results of cytotoxic in vitro MTT-assay in NSCLC patients
Keywords: non-small cell lung carcinoma, multidrug resitance, apoptosis, cell cycle, therapy
Authors: Škarda Jozef, Hajdúch Marián, Bouchal Jan, Noskova V., Ludkova A., Džubák Petr, Tichý Tomáš, Klein Jiří, Kolek Vítězslav, Kolář Zdeněk, Král Vladimír, Mihál Vladimír2000-12-30:Relation between expression of drug resistance associated proteins and results of cytotoxic in vitro MTT-assay in NSCLC patients
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 58-59.
Keywords: ovarial cancer, anti-cancer chemotherapy, multidrug resistance, in vitro chemoresistance assay
Authors: Cwiertka Karel, Hajdúch Marián, Pilka Radovan, Noskova V., Švébišová Hana, Ludkova A., Macháček Jindřich, Kudela Milan, Minařík Jiří, Mihál Vladimír2000-12-30:Chemotherapy respect of ovarian cancer with respect to results of in vitro chemosensitivity assay – selcted case reports
Keywords: ovarial cancer, anti-cancer chemotherapy, multidrug resistance, in vitro chemoresistance assay
Authors: Cwiertka Karel, Hajdúch Marián, Pilka Radovan, Noskova V., Švébišová Hana, Ludkova A., Macháček Jindřich, Kudela Milan, Minařík Jiří, Mihál Vladimír2000-12-30:Chemotherapy respect of ovarian cancer with respect to results of in vitro chemosensitivity assay – selcted case reports
Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál2 2000): 62-64.
Keywords: tumor chemoresistance , indirect and direct tests, clinical indications
Authors: Kiss Igor, Žaloudík Jan, Vyzula Rostislav, Tomášek Jiří, Coufal Oldřich, Kocáková Ilona2000-12-30:Principal clinical indications for in vitro chemoresistance testing of malignant tumors
Keywords: tumor chemoresistance , indirect and direct tests, clinical indications
Authors: Kiss Igor, Žaloudík Jan, Vyzula Rostislav, Tomášek Jiří, Coufal Oldřich, Kocáková Ilona2000-12-30:Principal clinical indications for in vitro chemoresistance testing of malignant tumors