Klin Onkol 1999; 12(2): 35-44.
Keywords: multiple myeloma, autologous transplantation, interferon alfa, bisphoshonates
Authors: Adam Zdeněk, Mayer Jiří, Hájek Roman, Vášová Ingrid, Vorlíček Jiří1999-04-15:Multiple myeloma, European school of haematology, Paris, 12th–16th September 1998
Keywords: multiple myeloma, autologous transplantation, interferon alfa, bisphoshonates
Authors: Adam Zdeněk, Mayer Jiří, Hájek Roman, Vášová Ingrid, Vorlíček Jiří1999-04-15:Multiple myeloma, European school of haematology, Paris, 12th–16th September 1998
Klin Onkol 1999; 12(2): 45-50.
Keywords: conformal radiotherapy, three-dimensional treatment planning
Authors: Kulhavý Milan, Zámečník Jiří1999-04-15:Conformal radiotherapy - hope and present reality
Keywords: conformal radiotherapy, three-dimensional treatment planning
Authors: Kulhavý Milan, Zámečník Jiří1999-04-15:Conformal radiotherapy - hope and present reality
Klin Onkol 1999; 12(2): 51-55.
Keywords: carcinogenesis, colon cancer, phospholipids, eicosanoids, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, signal transduction, cytokines
Authors: Kozubík Alois, Hofmanová Jiřina1999-04-15:The importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids for colon cancer promotion and chemoprophylaxis
Keywords: carcinogenesis, colon cancer, phospholipids, eicosanoids, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, signal transduction, cytokines
Authors: Kozubík Alois, Hofmanová Jiřina1999-04-15:The importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids for colon cancer promotion and chemoprophylaxis
Klin Onkol 1999; 12(2): 56-57.
Keywords: tumour cellularity, apoptotic index, mitotic index, non-Hiodsgkin's lymphomas
Authors: Vagunda Václav, Veselý Karel, Pochmon D.1999-04-15:Assessment of apoptotic and mitotic indices in malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphomas: methodological study
Keywords: tumour cellularity, apoptotic index, mitotic index, non-Hiodsgkin's lymphomas
Authors: Vagunda Václav, Veselý Karel, Pochmon D.1999-04-15:Assessment of apoptotic and mitotic indices in malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphomas: methodological study
Original articles
Klin Onkol 1999; 12(2): 58-60.
Keywords: B lymphoma, apoptosis, proliferation, Bcl-2, p53, prognosis
Authors: Vagunda Václav, Kalabis J., Pochmon D., Petráková Katarína, Koukalová H., Vagundová Marcela, Drbal Josef, Havránková Lenka1999-04-15:Apoptotic and mitotic indexes in B lymphomas: prognostic factor analysis in 53 patients with 7 year follow-up
Keywords: B lymphoma, apoptosis, proliferation, Bcl-2, p53, prognosis
Authors: Vagunda Václav, Kalabis J., Pochmon D., Petráková Katarína, Koukalová H., Vagundová Marcela, Drbal Josef, Havránková Lenka1999-04-15:Apoptotic and mitotic indexes in B lymphomas: prognostic factor analysis in 53 patients with 7 year follow-up
Klin Onkol 1999; 12(2): 61-65.
Keywords: prostate cancer, conforemal radiotherapy, dose-volume histograms
Authors: Odrážka Karel, Vaňásek Jaroslav, Vaculíková Miloslava, Zouhar Milan, Kadečka David1999-04-15:Conformal vs. conventional radiotherapy of prostate cancer: dosimetric comparison using dose-volume histograms
Keywords: prostate cancer, conforemal radiotherapy, dose-volume histograms
Authors: Odrážka Karel, Vaňásek Jaroslav, Vaculíková Miloslava, Zouhar Milan, Kadečka David1999-04-15:Conformal vs. conventional radiotherapy of prostate cancer: dosimetric comparison using dose-volume histograms
Klin Onkol 1999; 12(2): 60.
1999-04-15:XX. OECI Scientific Meeting Brno May 7 - 9, 1999
1999-04-15:XX. OECI Scientific Meeting Brno May 7 - 9, 1999
Case report
Klin Onkol 1999; 12(2): 66-69.
Keywords: plasmacytoma, lymph nodes, cutis IgM plasmacytoma, IgD plasmacytoma
Authors: Gaja A., Fraňková Hana, Churý Z., Hejlová N., Soška V.1999-04-15:The unusual forms of plasmacytoma
Keywords: plasmacytoma, lymph nodes, cutis IgM plasmacytoma, IgD plasmacytoma
Authors: Gaja A., Fraňková Hana, Churý Z., Hejlová N., Soška V.1999-04-15:The unusual forms of plasmacytoma
Klin Onkol 1999; 12(2): 70-72.
Authors: Maisnar Vladimír1999-04-15:Multiple myeloma, European school of haematology, Paris, 12th–16th September 1998
Authors: Maisnar Vladimír1999-04-15:Multiple myeloma, European school of haematology, Paris, 12th–16th September 1998