Archive: 15. 4. 1993, Volume: 6, Issue: 2



Klin Onkol 1993; 6(2): 35-38.
Keywords: breast reconstruction, latissimus dorsi muscle, TRAM flap
Authors: Válka Jan, Holuša P., Franců M., Samohýl J.
Klin Onkol 1993; 6(2): 39-42.
Keywords: breast reconstruction mammary implant, tissue expander.
Authors: Holuša P., Válka Jan, Franců M.
Klin Onkol 1993; 6(2): 43-50.
Authors: Zaigham Abbas, Imtiaz A. Malik

Original articles

Klin Onkol 1993; 6(2): 51-55.
Keywords: Carcinoma of the esophagus, diagnostics, staging, surgical treatment
Authors: Dlouhý Michael, Duda Miloslav, Roček V., Janda Petr, Lovečková J.
Klin Onkol 1993; 6(2): 56-58.
Keywords: Granularzellentumor, Magen, Diagnose, Therapie
Authors: Neoral Čestmír, Králík J., Vojáček P., Vojáček K.

Short Communications

Klin Onkol 1993; 6(2): 59-62.
Authors: Geryk Edvard, Maršík V., Kolcová V.