Archive: 15. 10. 1991, Volume: 4, Issue: 5



Klin Onkol 1991; 4(5): 131.


Klin Onkol 1991; 4(5): 131-134.
Authors: Koutecký Josef

Original articles

Klin Onkol 1991; 4(5): 135-136.
Keywords: cancer of the rectum, intraluminal recurrence, extraluminal recurrence, recanalisation
Authors: Horák Ladislav, Řehák (1927-2008) František
Klin Onkol 1991; 4(5): 137-141.
Authors: Lorenc I.
Klin Onkol 1991; 4(5): 142-145.
Keywords: tumours of salivary glands, cystadenolymphoma, subclassificantion, carcinoma in CAL
Authors: Podlešák I., Šíbl O., Dolečková V.
Klin Onkol 1991; 4(5): 146-148.
Keywords: cancer, foreign-body, urinary diversion, lymphangiosarcoma, colonic carcinoma
Authors: Fait Vuk, Pačovský Zdeněk, Navrátil Bohuslav
Klin Onkol 1991; 4(5): 149-152.
Keywords: germinative testicular cancer, bilateral cancers, simultaneous bilateral testicular malignancy, successive bilateral testicular malignancy, intratubular neoplasia, fertility after orchiectomy
Authors: Ondruš Dalibor, Maťoška J., Honák M.

Short Communications

Klin Onkol 1991; 4(5): 153-155.
Authors: Pecherstotfer Martin


Klin Onkol 1991; 4(5): 156-157.
Authors: Pleško I.