Konference: 2007 XXXI. Brněnské onkologické dny a XXI. Konference pro sestry a laboranty
Kolorektální karcinom
Téma: XVI. Kolorektální karcinom
Číslo abstraktu: 147
Autoři: prof. MUDr. Jiří Hoch, CSc.; MUDr. Petr Škapa; Z. Jech; D. Umlaufová; Doc. MUDr. Jana Prausová, Ph.D., MBA
Neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy has become to be a standard for the
treatment of Stage II and III rectal adenocarcinoma during last 15
years in majority of European countries including Czech Republic.
The effect of radiation on rectal cancer has been known for 70
years, however the use of radiotherapy was expanded since 1980. The
dose, timming, purpose and goal of radiation were under debate for
a long time. Pahlman and Glimelius in 1990 (1), Swedish Rectal
Cancer Trial (2) and Kapitejn, Kranenbarg et al (3) and others (4,
5) showed the significance of radiotherapy on rectal cancer and the
superiority of preoperative radiation. Increased dose of radiation
(6), longer time interval between neoadjuvant radiotherapy and
surgery (7) and particularly the chemosenzitization by combination
with chemotherapy (8) enhance the effect of preoperative
radiotherapy. It was proved that neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy
allows to decrease local recurrency, to achieve a longer survival
and longer disease free period, to downstage tumor and to perform
more curative and sphincter saving surgeries. Preoperative
radiochemotherapy leads to typical changes on tumor and lymphatic
tissue and nodes. Tumor necrosis and sterilisation – disappearing
of viable tumor cells – qualified and quantified by tumor
regression grade – TRG – represents one of possible outcomes of RT
(9). According to the literature the complete pathologic response
(CPR) as the maximal effect of preoperative radiochemotherapy was
found in the large range from 5 to 67% patients (6, 9). These
patients qualified as ypT0N0M0 are free of cancer at the time of
surgery. ...
Datum přednesení příspěvku: 24. 4. 2007