Konference: 2011 2. pražské mezioborové onkologické kolokvium
Kategorie: Organizace, hodnocení a standardizace onkologické péče
Téma: Prezentace
Číslo abstraktu: 026
Autoři: Prof. Jean Klastersky (Jan Klasterský)
In Belgium, a law was passed in 2002 organizing comprehensively all modalities of oncology care. The goal was to give access to all patients to standardized high quality care for the diagnosis, treatment and follow up of all types of malignant diseases.
Functioning of the system
The system is based on 2 levels of oncological competence: basic and comprehensive. The basic program must be available in any Belgian general hospital; the comprehensive program requires the effective disponibility of a complete multidisciplinary team and equipment.
Each system is specifically described in terms of medical and para-medical staff, equipment and modalities of functioning. Very importantly, a cooperation between the 2 systems is mandatory and clearly described in the legal text. That effective cooperation is actually a basic requirement for the programs to be recognized, approved and financially supported. The main functional aspect consists in the strict observation of the recommendations of a ‘multidisciplinary manual’. Any deviation from these guidelines require the approval of the ‘multidisciplinary committee’ which operates on each site with a comprehensive program.
Although the system is quite complex to run and would require a much extensive funding to be effectively operational, the approach is quite promising and definitely deserve further exploration.
e-mail: info@scm-sprl.net
Datum přednesení příspěvku: 28. 1. 2011