Konference: 2008 XXXII. Brněnské onkologické dny a XXII. Konference pro sestry a laboranty
Kategorie: Kolorektální karcinom
Téma: XXIII. Kolorektální karcinom
Číslo abstraktu: 197
Autoři: Doc. MUDr. Jozef Korček
Author presents his own twenty years lasting experiences in using of Endoanal Ultrasonography (EUS). In accordance with more than 8 000 examinations he proves accuracy, easy using and inevitability of EUS in preoperative determination of the rectal carcinoma staging. The comparison of the rectal cancer (RC) invasivity determined by EUS in preoperative phase with the invasivity determined by histological examination from operative specimen in the set of 1005 patients, showed the consensus in 93 % and in the set of 576 patients after preoperative radiotherapy (RTX) in 88 %. He recorded correct invasivity of the recurent RC by EUS at 88,2 % of the patients...
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Datum přednesení příspěvku: 18. 4. 2008