What is the role for surgery in prostate cancer? UROwebinar

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Webminář organizovaný Evropskou školou urologie vede Markus Graefen.


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Pozvánka na seminář: 

Radical prostatectomy (RP) is one of the established therapeutic options for localized and locally advanced prostate cancer (PCa).
In the last decade, the pattern for indicating surgical treatment of PCa has substantially changed. After the introduction of PSA-based detection of PCa and a shift towards earlier detected disease with subsequent local treatment, RP has lost its dominant role as a treatment option in low-risk cancers. To prevent potential overtreatment, therapeutic alternatives such as active surveillance are often applied in this situation.
Aside from treating intermediate-risk cancers, RP has developed into a standard therapy in high-risk disease. Of all existing therapeutic options, RP is one of the best documented on long-term oncologic and functional outcomes. Additionally, robotic RP has progressed into the new gold standard surgical approach because of the lower complication rates compared to the open approach.
Markus Graefen discusses the change in indication for RP, the role of concomitant lymph-node dissection and its potential future role as part of a multimodal therapeutic strategy in oligo-metastatic PCa.

  • Přidat do kalendáře: 2018-02-15 18:30:00 2018-02-15 19:30:00 Europe/Prague What is the role for surgery in prostate cancer? UROwebinar Webminář organizovaný Evropskou školou urologie vede Markus Graefen. https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/705053423672203522