Lymphoma...the Next Questions

- , Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty Six, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.

Friday, April 8, 2005

8:00 am Welcome and introduction

Session I: Introduction

8:10 am The proteasome as a target for cancer therapy
8:30 am What is the role of the PET scan in the management of lymphoma and what is the best time point for restaging?
8:50 am What have we learned from the pediatric oncology experience that can be applied to adults?
9:10 am Diagnosis and management of opportunistic infections in lymphoma and myeloma treated with standard chemotherapy doses
9:30 am Panel Discussion
9:50 am Break

Session II: Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas I

10:10 am What is the significance of an IgM monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (IgM MGUS)?
10:30 am What’s new in the management of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with monoclonal antibodies?
10:50 am Clinical Pearl: How do I manage this case of refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia?
11:10 am Non-myeloablative stem cell transplant for chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
11:30 am Should we use rituximab maintenance routinely as front line therapy for low grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas?
11:50 am Panel Discussion
12:10 pm Lunch

Session III: Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas II

1:30 pm How can we distinguish between Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia and other disorders including marginal zone lymphoma?
1:50 pm Iodine I 131 tositumomab for chemotherapy-refractory low-grade and transformed B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
2:10 pm Which are the clinical, immunological and molecular events in MALT lymphoma?
2:30 pm Clinical Pearl: What is the appropriate management for this case of primary skin MALToma?
2:50 pm Can we cure indolent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma with radioimmunotherapy?
3:10 am Which salvage regimen would you use for patients with aggressive NHL who are not transplant candidates?
3:30am Panel Discussion
3:50 am Adjourn

Saturday, April 9, 2005

8:00 am Welcome and introduction

Session IV: Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas III

8:10 am Clinical Pearl: How do I manage this 27 year-old patient with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma relapsing after hyperCVAD therapy?
8:30 am What is the best approach to management of a 56 year-old patient with stage I bulky diffuse large cell lymphoma?
8:50 am Is maintenance rituximab indicated after CHOP-R for diffuse large cell lymphoma?
9:10 am Panel Discussion

Session V: Hodgkin’s Disease

9:20 am Clinical Pearl: What is the next step in the management of this case of peripheral T-cell lymphoma whose maximum response is a partial response after six courses of CHOP?
9:40 am Is there a role for allogeneic marrow transplantation in Hodgkin’s disease?
10:00 am How and when should we use radiation in Hodgkin’s disease?
10:20 am Break
10:40 am Clinical Pearl: How should I treat this 72 year-old patient with Hodgkin’s disease mixed cellularity stage IIIB with emphysema?
11:00 am Clinical Pearl: How do I manage this case of a pregnant patient with stage IIB Hodgkin’s disease?
11:20 am Panel Discussion
11:40 am Case Discussion: “Hodgkin’s disease” presenting in the hard palate
12:20 pm Lunch

Session VI: Aggressive Lymphomas

1:20 pm Dose-intense dose dense CHOP: Is it an effective strategy?
1:40 pm EPOCH-R combined with vaccine therapy for mantle cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
2:00 pm Clinical Pearl: A case of B-cell diffuse large cell lymphoma in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis on treatment with weekly methotrexate
2:20 pm Update on rituximab plus thalidomide for relapsed/ refractory mantle cell lymphoma
2:40 pm Panel Discussion

Session VII: Concluding Session

2:50 pm Update on treatment of AIDS-related lymphomas
3:10 pm Emerging treatment options for lymphoma
3:30 pm Clinical Pearl: What’s the next step in management of this patient with mycosis fungoides resistant to bexarotene?
3:50 pm Panel Discussion
4:00 pm Adjourn

Web: http://www.imedex.c...cements/ltnq05.html

  • Přidat do kalendáře: 2005-04-08 00:00:00 2005-04-09 23:59:59 Europe/Prague Lymphoma...the Next Questions Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty Six, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.