5th Familial Cancer Conference

- , Madrid, Spain

Hlavní témata:

  • General concepts in familial cancer: genetic variants, variants of unknown significance; modifier factors; genetic counseling
  • Common cancers: breast cancer and the family of breast cancer genes; selection criteria and clinical management; new treatments; colorectal cancer and prostate cancer; genetic and clinical management.
  • Other hereditary syndromes: Familial pheocromocitoma; pancreatic cancer; Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome; familial melanoma.
  • Rare tumors: Fanconi anemia; Dysqueratosis congenital; genetic syndromes of the RAS/MAP pathway; li Fraumeni syndrome.
  • New technologies applied to familial cancer studies: Integrative genomic analysis; cancer genome and personalized medicine; whole exome sequencing in the search of high susceptibility genes.

Aktivní účast

  • Abstrakta do 15. května 2012


  • Registrace do 15. května 2012

Web: http://www.eso.net/...cer_Conference.html

  • Přidat do kalendáře: 2012-06-07 00:00:00 2012-06-08 23:59:59 Europe/Prague 5th Familial Cancer Conference Hlavní témata: General concepts in familial cancer: genetic variants, variants of unknown significance; modifier factors; genetic counseling Common cancers: breast cancer and the family of breast cancer genes; selection criteria and clinical management; new treatments; colorectal cancer and prostate cancer; genetic and clinical management. Other hereditary syndromes: Familial pheocromocitoma; pancreatic cancer; Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome; familial melanoma. Rare tumors: Fanconi anemia; Dysqueratosis congenital; genetic syndromes of the RAS/MAP pathway; li Fraumeni syndrome. New technologies applied to familial cancer studies: Integrative genomic analysis; cancer genome and personalized medicine; whole exome sequencing in the search of high susceptibility genes. Madrid, Spain