Evaluation of Aromatase Inhibitors’ Side Effects in Clinical and Experimental Studies


Klin Onkol 2009; 22(3): 89-93.


Aromatase inhibitors are now the first choice endocrine therapy in the metastatic setting for postmenop usal women. These endocrine agents also seem likely to soon become the standard adjuvant therapy for postmenopausal patients with hormone-responsive breast cancer, either alone or in sequence with tamoxifen. In the treatment with aromatase inhibitors, the incidence of some adverse effects such as endometrial cancer, stroke or pulmonary tromboembolism treatment associated with tamoxifen is reduced. Questions remain about the long‑term side-effects and safety profile of aromatase inhibitors – monitoring and handling of bone loss associated with their application are essenti al and are being addressed in ongo ing tri als. Further studies with longer follow‑up are required to clarify the effects of aromatase inhibitors on lipid metabolism and cardiovascular health.