Klin Onkol 2004; 17(Suppl 1): 68-72.
Summary: Fast development of knowledge and related quick changes of hematooncological diseases classification are in the officially declare classification of diseases in the Czech Republic reflected with a many years delay. Rising demands and costs of oncology treatment require higher rationality of indications and centralization of highly sophisticated diagnostics and treatment into accredited centres serving areas of adequate size, fulfilling complex of professional demands with relevant technical background and reaching competitive results. Successful choice of treatment strategy, tailored to individual patient, demands precise diagnosis, prognostic index evaluation and continuous follow-up of treatment response. National Oncology Register is in haematooncology quite useless from this point of view and its structure and ways of data collection don’t suit. Specialized registers began to be formed in haematooncological centres in the Czech Republic with the professional guarantee of the Czech Haematological Society therefore. Still unfavourable results of the treatment of the majority of haematooncological diseases limit its standardization and led to searching and testing of the new drugs and new treatment approaches. The rationalization of treatment leads over new drugs certification based on evidence-based medicine and their cost effectiveness evaluation. The involvement of haematooncological patients into clinical trials and detailed analysis of specialized registers data constitute part of new treatment possibilities search. The perspective and rational way of building up registers is switch to data collection from electronically documentation of hospital information system already operating, availability of statistical analysis according the clinical demands, employment of data in accreditation process and close cooperation with professional societies and health care payers.