Profesor Josef Koutecký – Founder of the branch of pediatric oncology in Czech Republic


Klin Onkol 2003; 16(Suppl 2003): 127-128.

Summary: Professor Josef Koutecký MD concerned himself about paediatric oncology from the very beginning of his professional practice. He became the founder of completely new branch of medicine, which had never existed in our country. He takes pains to achieve the paediatric oncology to become an institution by turn the years 60. and 70. of the 20th century. In the 1971 Josef Koutecký gained position of consultant and in 1974 became the head physician of ward of paediatric oncology. He was established the head of independent Department of paediatric oncology in Teaching Hospital in Motol in the 1978. In the 1983 the Clinic of paediatric oncology was established and professor Koutecký became its chief. He developed the complex care about children and adolescents with malignant cancers on the level of worldwide reputation. He is the author of the first monograph and textbook of oncology and the first professor established for the branch of oncology in former Czechoslovakia. We could named plenty of his other monographs, hundreds of professional publications and lectures. He is the member of many Czech and international medical associations. He was awarded a lot of prizes for his work in Czech Republic and abroad. He was the Prorector of Charles University. Now, Josef Koutecký is the Dean of the 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague repeatedly.

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