Klin Onkol 2002; 15(Suppl 2002): 15-20.

Background: Multiple myeloma (MM) is a very heterogeneous disease requiring a choice of individual therapy with intensity respecting the prognostic evaluation of the patient.
Type of study and group of patients: In the group of 237 patients with MM treated between 1991-2002 by conventional therapy prognostic value and practical utility of seven selected staging systems were assessed.
Methods and results: Prognostic significance was assessed using the overall survival curves according Kaplan-Meier and log rank test (p<0.05). The practical utility and prognostic value of Durie-Salmon system was confirmed with different overall survival (OS) medians (stages I-III, medians OS 88, 41 and 16 months, p=0.0000). Unlikely to former observations and probably due to the progress in the basic as well as supportive therapy just a limited predictive value of the D-S subclasification (A and B) based on the presence of significant renal failure (st. III-A vs III-B, medians OS 20 and
13 months p=0.052) was found. The simple staging systems based on measurement of S-â
2microglobulin and S-albumin were proved to be advantageous e.g. Bataille system (stages 1-3, medians OS 68, 27 and 11 months, p=0.0000) and Hussein system (stages 1-4, medians OS 89,
68, 24 and 11 months, p=0.0000). Regardless the short 5 years duration of the study scoring system according San Miguel, which encloses apart from other markers also the propidium-iodide proliferative index (PI/CD138) of myeloma plasmocytes, seems to be very promising (stages 1-3, medians OS x, 33 and 13 months, p=0.0002). If the examination of PI/CD138 is not accessible, we suggest to use our simple staging system based on measurement of levels of S-â
2microglobulin and S-thymidinkinase (stages 1-3, medians OS x, 24 and 11 months, p=0.0000). The staging system according to GATLA demonstrated but a limited prognostic value and practical utility (stages 2 vs 3, medians 88, 19 and 15 months, p=0.043) and modified Pulkki system combining measurement of S-â 2 microglobulin and S-sIL-6R system was lacking prognostic significance at all (stages 1-3, medians OS 30, 23 and 6 months, p=0.436). Twenty-seven existing staging systems are discussed including the information about the preparation of IPI („International Prognostic Index“). Conclusion: This study has confirmed prognostic significance of standard staging systems according to Durie-Salmon, Bataille and Hussein, staging systems based on measurement of proliferative parameters of myeloma cells seem to be very advantageous too (according to San Miguel and system based on S-TK constructed by authors of this study).

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