Ifosoamid in the Children Anti-cancer Chemotherapy


Klin Onkol 2002; 15(3): 93-97.

Summary: The begining of chemotherapy for children tumors has been started in 1950. Since that time preclinical and clinical studies established the best indications, useful combinations and standard doses for many cytostatics. Some of these drugs including oxazaphosphorin alkylating drug ifosfamid are still under research. The major advantage of ifosfamide compared to cyclophosphamide is lower myelosuppressive effect. Higher urotoxicity, which can be reduced by 2-mercaptoethan sulfonate application, is a disadvantage. Clinical studies reveal a broad spectrum of indications in adults. However the ifosfamide in children has been used since eighties, a real efficacy remain. Recently when the relation between ifosfamide dose and its anticancer effect in children bone sarcomas has been improved, ifosfamide become investigated by pharmacologists and doctors. A recent view on the ifosfamide administration, dose intensity in different types of pediatric tumors and pharmacoeconomic comparison between ifosfamide and cyclophosphamide has been described.

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