Febrile Neutropenia in Patients with Pulmonary Malignancy


Klin Onkol 2001; 14(Zvláštní číslo): 20-23.

Summary: Infections participate in 55-70% on mortality in oncological patients. Granulocytopenia (Grade 4) is the most important risk factor. Retrospective study was performed in lung cancer patients in the Pulmonary Department, Faculty Hos- pital Plzeň. Authors analysed infectious complications (1994-1997, notified 79 cases - 64 patients, 57 males, 5 female, mean age 61 years) as well as febrile neutropenia (1994-1998, in 19 patients -16 male, 3 female, mean age 64 years). Demographic parameters were assessed, morphological type oftumour, risk factors, infectious focus, pathogens, effect oftherapy.
I. lnfectious complications: 64(81 %) of febrile episodes were caused by infection, pathogen was verified in 17 cases (27%), 2 episodes were bacteremic (2,5%).
II. Febrile neutropenia: 1/3 ofpatients developed granulocytopenia 100/mm3, the maximal duration of neutropenia was 6 days. Pathogen was verified in 3 cases (16%), none positive bacteremia. Positive outcome of antibiotic treatment more than 98%, 2 patients died with progression of malignancy. The frequency and severity of infectious complications in lung cancer patients is relatively low, with incidence ofbacteremia less than 5%. Comparing with patients suffering from haematological malig- nancies, episodes of febrile neutropenia in lung cancer patients is rare and accompanied with favourable prognosis. Despite of than, it should be repeated, lhal febrile neutropenia is, without appropriate antibiotic therapy, life-threatening status.

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