The monitoring of genotoxic risk of health care workers to the cytostatic substancies


Klin Onkol 2000; 13(Speciál 2000): 31-33.

Application of cytostatics as a method of therapy for various forms of cancer is widely accepted and practiced. Many of these chemotherapeutic agents are known to be mutagenic and carcinogenic and occupational exposure these agents may therefore implay a genotoxic risk. In this study the genotoxic risk of subjects occupationally exposed to cytostatic has been evaluated with this conclusions:

  1. The work with cytostatics must be evaluated as a risk work

  2. The results are objective reason for hygienist to call for a technical – organization attitudes to reduce the exposition.

  3. The practician should take bigger care for the patients – health care workers, should make regular clinical and laboratory examination with focusing on oncological anamnesis. During the entering examinations they should keep on contraindications for this kind of work.

  4. The heads of the departments should look after a regular education programmes about safety during the work with cytostatics and their stochastic effects. They should control if the workers adhere to these rules.

  5. Finally the health care workers are recommended to keep on health life style, eat vitamins as antioxydants and try to reduce the work during the time of the pregnancy.