Comparison of effecti vity of cyclophophamide + G-CSF and IVE + G-CSF mobilisations protocols in lymphoma patients


Klin Onkol 1996; 9(6): 187-190.

Summary: High dose chemotherapy with rescue transplantation of peripheral progenitor blood cells is an important treatment method in patients which have not reached remission, or with relapse of the disease. For quick and complete recovery of haematopoiesis, collection of an adequate amount of progenitor cells is essential.

A mobilisation schedule with cyclophosphamide and growth factor (1.5g cyclophosphamide/m2 + 10ug G-CSF/kg/day) was given to 21 patients (ages 18-59 years, median 34 years). The IVE + G-CSF schedule (7 500mg iphosphamide, 450mg etoposide, 100mg epi-rubicine/m + lOug G-CSF/kg/day) was used in 25 patients (ages 19-52 years, median 35.5 years). The main clinical characteristics did not differ with statistical importance.

The median number of leucofereses to get 3x106 CD34 positive cells/kg was 1(1-5 leucofereses). In 15 patients using CFM, the efficiency of collection was 70 %, white 92 % in 23 patients with IVE; the difference was not statistically important. The median result of 1 leucoferesis was 0.8 (0.1-9.6) CD34 positive cells/kg with the use of CFM, with the use of IVE 1.36 (0.28-24.89) resp. 1.4 (0-67.53)x104 CFU GM/kg (the p value is less 0.0005). Both protocols are effective. By the use of IVE, better results of leucofereses were obtained.