Our first experience with the use of thymostimulin (TP/Serono) in patients with malignant tumors


Klin Onkol 1995; 8(6): 168-171.

Summary: The authors discuss their first experiences with the adjuvant therapy using TP-1 Serono (thymostimulin) as administered to malignant tumor patients. The clinical effect is evaluated in correlation with changes in levels of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocyte subpopulations in 16 patients in various stages during and after classical antitumor therapy (surgical treatment, radiotherapy, chemotherapy). The treatment effect was dependent on the T lymphocyte counts after the basic course of thymostimulin. Patients with large T lymphocyte deficits, not reacting after the first course of thymostimulin, had poor prognosis and died within the first year of follow-up. The authors stress that if the thymostimulin therapy is to be effective, it is helpful to monitor the cellular immunity values (the CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocyte counts) in the patients with radiation and cytostatic therapy, and that the thymostimulin therapy should begin as soon as possible if the lymphocyte counts do not experience quick spontaneous recovery.