Results of the multimodal treatment of testicular tumours in 1981 - 1989


Klin Onkol 1993; 6(1): 18-21.

Summary: Conditio sine qua non of optimal therapeutic strategy and tactics is the careful and consistent entrance stratification according to risk prognostic factors. Authors gave the survey of their own modified clinical and pathological codification and classification. They analyse therapeutic plans, treatment results, and toxicity in seminomatous a non - seminomatous germ - cell tumors treated in the Dept. of Radiotherapy and Oncology Univ. Teaching Hosp. in the years 1981 — 1989. They point out on the possibility to cross the cumulative doses of bleomycin and cisplatin in cases where risk - benefit ratio is in favour of treatment continuation, especially in salvage therapy. They stress the importance of radiotherapy not only in patients with pure seminomas but also in patients with non - seminomatous germ - cell tumors.