Possibilities of the cytogenetic egvaluation of childhood malignant lymphoma


Klin Onkol 1989; 2(5): 152-156.

A review is given of current opinions concerning the possibilities of cytogenetic evaluation of childhood malignant lymphomas. Since many cytogenetic abnormalities are nonrandom and specific for certain subgroups of hematologic desiases, it is now possible to consider the cytogenetic finding to be an independent prognostic factor of value for the diagnosis and the choice of therapeutic strategy. The cytogenetic analysis was done on samples of bone marrow, pleural and ascitic effusions and lymph nodes. In our group 7 patients displayed chromosomal abnormalities. A t (8;14) was found in nearly all patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. This translocation is typical for a highly malignant type of lymphoma from small non-clleaved cells, often Burkitt-like.