Total ischaemia of different segments of gastrointestinal tract was achieved in healthy experimental animals (pigs) by ligations of blood vessels supplying a chosen segment. Continuity of the tract was restored by respective anastomoses. The devascularized part was not removed but left in situ including actual contents. Death losses due to necrotic processes after devascularization were neither recorded in 66 animals operated either on the small or on the large intestine, nor in 12 animals operated on the stomach and 6 animals operated on rectum and rectosigmoideum. Therefore, the devascularization was used as a palliative surgical intervention in eight patients with tumors in the left and right side of colon and in two patients with colorectal scirrhotic tumor. A long term remission was observed in all the operated patients, moreover, in some cases was recorded disappearance of tumor metastases. As far as the exitus was registered, it was not the consequence of the tumor progression.
Total ischemia of different segments of gastrointestinal tract as a trial at a paliative treatment in the oncosurgery

- Authors: K. Fortýn; V. Hruban; J. Hradecký; J. Tichý